
Max Nikulin wrote:
> A bit off-topic question. In what wiki page you would expect to find
> suggestions to inspect ~/.xsession-errors file and journalctl output?

I pasted ".xsession-errors" into the "Search:" field at the upper right
corner of any Debian wiki page and clicked the "Text" button.
The only helpful match is


  "What Does The Log Say?
   If you're doing something with your window manager or other X client
   programs, then their output probably won't be visible to you
   immediately. The location of their output will depend on how you
   started X. If you used startx(1) from a console, the output probably
   appeared on that console (try Ctrl-Alt-F1 to get back to it, then
   Alt-F7 (usually) to get back to X). If you logged in with xdm(8), then
   xdm creates a file called .xsession-errors in your home directory, and
   you should look there. gdm(8) uses .gnome-errors. The other "*dm"
   programs may have similar files."

But i simply should have remembered that olde file or have looked
for ~/.x* rather than only for ~/.X* as i did.

The wiki page asks

  "Am I Alone?"

Surely not. Time is a harsh mistress.

> https://0pointer.de/blog/projects/journalctl.html

I suffer substantial stack pain ...

Have a nice day :)


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