On 14/07/24 at 20:44, to...@tuxteam.de wrote:
so they aren't children of the GNOME top-level
process, and don't inherit the umask or environment from the session.
I'm totally willing to believe that KDE is different, but it's not
clear whether "Lists" has tried this and failed, or simply didn't know
that it should be done this way.
It would be excellent to receive confirmation from a KDE user, either
I'd be curious, too.
KDE provides a special purpose directory for setting the environment
globally: ~/.config/plasma-workspace/env/
In addition it is possible to specify environment variables for every
application singularly by editing the "Start" menu.
In that directory must be placed executable shell scripts that configure
the environment e.g.:
~$ ls -l ~/.config/plasma-workspace/env/kwin_env.sh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 frank frank 97 15 lug 15.38
~$ cat ~/.config/plasma-workspace/env/kwin_env.sh
/usr/bin/picom -b --config ~/.config/picom.conf
I tried to add "umask 027" to the bottom of "kwin_env.sh" file but that
change it doesn't apply to xterm.
Is there any other syntax to specify the umask? What's in your .xsessionrc?
Franco Martelli