Am Donnerstag, 18. April 2024, 17:21:41 CEST schrieb
To make clear: The first time I replied, I forgot to remove the spam tag.

But the "Sorry" mail I did send without the spam tag. However, I get it WITH 
the spamtag, as all mails get the DCIM=false tag in the header (created by the 
debian servers) and add the ****SPAM**** tag. 

Those, who receive their mails on another way, are not affected, but I am.

Thus, I get some mails from the debian list with ****SPAM**** tag and some 
without, depending how I received it. 

I can not fix this (as already described in another thread on this list here), 
so I had to create a whitelist rule in my spamrules.

However, yes, you can expect from me, that I remove the ****SPAM**** tag, when 
I reply of mails. 

If I reply, I am not sure, if the spam tag is recreated, whilst the DCIM=false 
tag might be kept in the reply mails (did not examine this).

Of course, I will watch to remove the spam tag when replying in the future.




> As I understand what he wrote, the SPAM tag is added after the message
> leaves his control.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Nicolas George" <>
> To: "debian-user" <>
> Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2024 11:13:44 AM
> Subject: Re: *****SPAM***** Marking as spam [was: *****SPAM***** Re:
> LibreOffice removed from Debian]
> Hans (12024-04-18):
> > As I can not fix it
> You can manually remove “*****SPAM*****” from the mail when you reply.
> You could even automate it on your end.

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