On Thu, 18 Apr 2024 11:38:18 +0200
Hans <hans.ullr...@loop.de> wrote:

Hello Hans,

>I only hope, it will not happen the same fate like usermin and webmin
>happened to: It was once removed from the repoi with th ereason
>"spagehetti code, bad code" and then no one ever took a look again to

Which, no doubt, makes it harder to patch (if necessary).  

>And webmin and usermin are still developed! 

Based on the foregoing (i.e. above), they were exceptional cases. 

>This is not mourning, please note, just things, I am just reflect my 

Yeah, we all do it.  Sometimes.   :-)

I desire the return of certain behaviours in various programs, but it's
never going to happen;  I just had to get used to it.

 Regards  _       "Valid sig separator is {dash}{dash}{space}"
         / )      "The blindingly obvious is never immediately apparent"
        / _)rad   "Is it only me that has a working delete key?"
Hey there, Mr Average, you don't exist, you never did
Persons Unknown - Poison Girls

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