On Sun, Jan 21, 2024 at 02:26:42PM -0500, gene heskett wrote:
> Every time it was ran and asked for file:// or http:// localhost:80 you wind
> up looking at google seatch failure screen saying there is no such thing as
> localhost.

$ host localhost
$ grep localhost /etc/hosts
$ grep hosts /etc/nsswitch.conf

Chrome doesn't treat "localhost" specially.  It just looks it up like any
other hostname.  If your local definition of "localhost" is screwed up,
then you will get screwed-up results.  I'm pretty certain this was what
we concluded last time you brought this up -- that your /etc/hosts file
had an incorrect or missing entry for localhost.

Here's what it should look like:

unicorn:~$ host localhost
localhost has address
unicorn:~$ grep localhost /etc/hosts   localhost
::1     localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
unicorn:~$ grep hosts /etc/nsswitch.conf
hosts:          files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns

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