
>> Clearly we don't know of any terminal
>> emulators that do what you want.  (I assume you've already looked at
>> kermit, and found it lacking... yes?  OK then.)

I want to express my sincere gratitude for pointing me to this project.
I wasn't familiar with the Kermit terminal emulator before but after looking at 
their website, I believe that Kermit 95's feature set should address my needs. 
The features such as:
 * Copy/paste, print, searching, and bookmarks in the scrollback buffer
 * Host-directed and local printing
 * Versatile printer control, including bidirectional printers and built-in 
Text/PostScript conversion
seem to align with my requirements.

I also explored E-Kermit (Kermit for Embedding) since we were asked if there 
was an emulator that could perform these functions in an embedded environment. 
However, based on what it does not do, it doesn't seem to be the solution I was 
hoping for.
Regarding the purely Linux/Unix C-Kermit, it appears to be less feature-rich 
compared to Kermit 95, so it may not be the best fit for my requirements.

>> At this point, I don't think you're talking to the right mailing list.
>> We're just Debian users.

>> If you need new features to be added to an existing Free terminal
>> emulator, or even to have a whole new one developed from the ground up,
>> this is not the mailing list for that.

My initial goal was to find an equivalent of a proprietary emulator for Linux, 
particularly on our preferred Debian platform. I completely agree that this 
mailing list is not the place to discuss adding features to an emulator or 
creating a new one from scratch.

>>  Find the project that comes
>> closest to your needs, and talk to the developers of that project.

I also agree that for the terminal emulator I want to enhance, I should locate 
the project and directly engage with their team. This is precisely what i'm 
trying to do with the PuTTY team.

In any case, the Debian community through the constructive exchange has been 
tremendously helpful and beneficial in my search.


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