Debian-user is a mailing list provided for support for Debian users, and to facilitate discussion on relevant topics.
Some guidelines which may help explain how the list works: * The language on this mailing list is English. There may be other mailing lists that are language-specific, for example, debian-user-french * It is common for users to be redirected here from other lists, for example, from debian-project. It is also common for people to be posting here when English is not their primary language. Please be considerate. * The list is a Debian communication forum. As such, it is subject to both the Debian mailing list Code of Conduct and the main Debian Code of Conduct * It is not necessary to answer every post on the mailing list. * Be constructive in your responses. It may be that somebody else answers a question before you - if so, you should not reply in order to get the last word in, only reply if you can add useful information. * Before posting, it may be useful to check your post for spelling mistakes and scan it for redundancy, duplicate words and redundancy. * Clear replies and a short mailing list thread may be much easier to read than long threads. * This is a fairly busy mailing list and you may have to wait for an answer - please be patient. * Please post answers back to the list so others can benefit: private conversations don't benefit people who may only be following along on the list or reading the archives later. * It is helpful to write meaningful subject lines. If you change subject or emphasis in mid-thread, please change the subject line on the email accordingly. * It may also be useful for either a thread contributor or an observer to post a summary email from time to time to summarise long threads or to effectively bring a long thread to an end. * It is often useful to look through the archives to see whether the issue you wish to raise or a similar issue has been raised before by someone else. The top level link to the archives of this list is at organised by year, then month. * Help and advice on this list is provided by volunteers in their own time. It is common for there to be different opinions or answers provided. * Strictly, discussions of other distributions are off-topic here. Please note: advice on Linux distributions other than Debian will be only our best guess - other distributions may do things very differently. Any advice given accordingly may be inaccurate but is given in good faith. * Please try to stay on topic. Arguments for the sake of it are not welcome here. Partisan political / religious / cultural arguments do not belong here either. Debian's community is world wide; do not assume others will agree with your views or need to read them on a Debian list. * There is an FAQ on the Debian wiki derived from some questions asked on this list at * One question that comes up on almost all Debian lists from time to time is of the form: "I have done something wrong / included personal details in an email. Could you please delete my name / details / remove the mail" Practically, this is impossible: the mailing lists are archived, potentially cached by Google and so on. Unfortunately, there is nothing much we can do to ensure that all copies anywhere on the Internet are deleted. Asking to do this may only serve to draw further attention - the so-called "Streisand effect" See: Problems? ========= Complaints about inappropriate behaviour should be referred to the Debian Community Team <>. Inappropriate behaviour on the list may lead to warnings: repeated bad behaviour may lead to temporary or permanent bans for offenders.