On Sun, Dec 03, 2023 at 07:42:42PM -0500, gene heskett wrote:
> Greetings all;
> in the docs (thanks for hiding them & doing away with manpages) it says:
> -------
> To make the DHCP server in the Debian package isc-dhcp-server send NTP
> server
> information, add a line like the following at an appropriate place:
>     option ntp-servers ntp1.foo.bar, ntp2.foo.bar;
> ----------
> now I assume the foo.bar is to be replaced by something unique [...]

The whole thing is supposed to be a resolvable host name for your client,
i.e. either something your client can look up in the DNS, something in
its /etc/hosts, possibly even a naked IP address will do. It's quite
likely the request goes through the resolver (which, BTW, has a man page).


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