On Mon 27 Nov 2023, at 00:01, Karen Lewellen <klewel...@shellworld.net> wrote: > Hi all, > Changing the subjectline at the kind suggestion of another user. > Kare > > > Sharing what I posted to alpine as well as here..My resource is doing all > they can, but I truly am not equips to help them..please someone who knows > what > they are doing first hand get in touch? > > > > Currently uses alpine to access their gmail account. > A bit of context > I experience sight loss, with basic html my only direct access to my gmail > account..which has been removed as of last Monday. > I use my gmail account personally and professionally, its lost is quite quite > quite a situation for me. > There is an associate in Toronto who is aiming to provide an email setup, > configuring alpine to access gmail, but he has never configured alpine before. > As I experience sight loss, and have only accessed my gmail account via the > web > interface, I need to > 1, be sure what I am told should happen here incorporating imap is what I > expect, > and 2, insure my associate has correct information, all of my alpine access > is > via dreamhost, and they do not configure alpine well. > My associate is using Alpine 2.5, which I recall has a tool that allows one > to > authenticate to gmail, but I am seeking someone with direct experience so > this > gets done to the best of Alpine's ability. > If you are personally doing this, Can you please write me off list? > I absolutely positively do not have the emotional capacity to gamble here, > hoping to connect Ron with someone who knows what they are doing. > klewel...@shellworld.net > thanks, > Kare
Hi Karen, Google allows you to use "backup codes" as a two-factor authentication method, which avoids the need for a phone or app, though as far as I recall, you need to receive a text message or use an authenticator app at least once, to turn on two-factor authentication in the first place. You only get so many backup codes and they only work once each. After that, you can still sign in to generate more, but only through the web, so would need to be able to receive a text message or use an authenticator app if/when you run out of codes. If you go to Gmail settings then See all settings then Forwarding and POP/IMAP then IMAP Access there is an option to enable IMAP, but in the client configuration instructions (link at the bottom of that section) it says "In the coming weeks, the option to 'Enable IMAP' or 'Disable IMAP' will no longer be available. IMAP access is always enabled in Gmail, and your current connections to other email clients aren't affected. You don't need to take any action." So it looks like you may not actually need to enable IMAP, but I did anyway. Also worth noting that, at least currently, if Auto-Expunge is set to "on" in this section, deleted messages are only archived, not deleted. Further options become enabled if you turn off auto-expunge. I had to enter my password again after clicking save changes. Here are the steps I followed to test alpine with gmail just now - google asks you to confirm your identity by re-entering your password at certain points. Sign into gmail.com Click the Google Account icon at the top right Click Manage your google account Click the Security option on the left Click 2-step verification Turn on 2-step verification - this will involve receiving a text message or using an authenticator app. I can't see any way around this. At bottom of section choose Backup Codes Save or print the list of codes Go back to 2-step verification page At bottom of page click the arrow next to App Passwords Enter a name for the app you are setting a password for, eg. alpine Click create Screenshot or write down and/or copy to clipboard the code shown Click done Start alpine (I'm assuming it's new and unconfigured) Press S for setup Press L for collection lists Press A for add collection Fill in: Nickname: eg. gmail Server: imap.gmail.com:993/ssl/user=youraddr...@gmail.com Press Ctrl+X to save changes Alpine will ask you to set a master password and the password for gmail The password you should enter for gmail here is the app password you copied earlier You can press Shift+Ctrl+V to paste if you copied it into the clipboard it earlier. It oesn't matter about the spaces in between character groups, google ignores those. Press Enter Press Y to save to disk for future use when asked. press E to exit setup Press S for setup again Press C to configure alpine Fill in: Personal Name: Your name as it should appear in "From" SMTP Server (for sending): smtp.gmail.com:587/tls/user=youraddr...@gmail.com Press E to exit setup Y to save changes Alpine needs to be restarted for changs to take effect, so press Q to quit alpine Y to confirm Restart alpine Press L for folder list Choose gmail or whatever Nickname you entered earlier INBOX option is your inbox Gmail option shows other folders - all mail, sent, bin, drafts etc. Go back to main menu Press C to compose message Write yourself or someone else a message Press Ctrl+X to send Paste or fill in the app password when asked Press Y when asked to save the password to disk for future used After that, you shouldn't need to enter the app password again. I tried that myself and wrote instructions as I went along, hope I haven't missed anything - and hope that helps. Steps from https://www.ubuntumint.com/alpine-gmail-imap-in-linux Best wishes, Gareth