Speaking only to your p.s.
I rely on a shell service, because for me personally my adaptive tools are
not supported..certainly not in Linux.
I am also hoping the two factor authentication can be done via emai
otherwise that means finding a third party, cannot use a smart phone,
again due to the associated speech.
Your surprise is surprising given you are living no one's life but your
as they say walk a mile in another person's shoes before you decide you
know what solutions are possible for them.
On Mon, 27 Nov 2023, Max Nikulin wrote:
On 27/11/2023 07:01, Karen Lewellen wrote:
Alpine 2.5, which I recall has a tool that allows one to authenticate to
When tho factor authentication is enabled for the google account, it is
possible to generate an application password. Almost any mail application
supporting IMAP should work with a such password. It eliminates OAuth2 flow
with authentication through a web page and requiring JavaScript and
registered OAuth2 application. An application password is long and
inconvenient to type, but it is supposed to be saved by the application.
Enabling two factor authentication requires a phone, but as soon as it is
enabled, a Time OTP second factor may be enabled and the phone number may be
removed from the account. There is a number of applications supporting TOTP,
there is no vendor lock-in to Google authenticator.
Sorry, I do not use Alpine, so I can not help with it configuration.
P.S. I am surprised that people relies on external shell services when an
application may be installed locally. In the case of IMAP mail is stored on
the mail server anyway.