On 2023-10-28 at 00:25, Max Nikulin wrote:

> On 28/10/2023 02:02, The Wanderer wrote:
>> for the case of hierarchical snapshots
> qemu-img(1) allows to create snapshots of disk images that are stored
> in the same file. In addition the "create" command has the "-b 
> BACKING_FILE" option
Does virt-manager expose this feature via a convenient
create-a-new-snapshot GUI, showing the tree of which snapshots descend
from what? I believe I was under the impression that, for the case of
qemu, no such thing was available.

(I note, again, that it's been a long time since I tried this; I have
spent the past couple of years, at least, attempting with various
degrees of desperation to avoid more stress than I can handle, and after
my last try with virt-manager hit that wall this conversation is the
first time I've been able to handle any kind of try-it-again.)

>> If the option BACKING_FILE is specified, then the image will record
>> only the differences from BACKING_FILE.
> Is it something close to "hierarchical snapshots"?

If one snapshot can descend from another, and you can delete any
snapshot (again, from that GUI) and have any references to it in other
snapshots automagically cleaned up to point to any relevant new parent
(such that the data seen through those other snapshots is still the same
as before the deletion), then probably.

It sounds like it might be worth my giving this another try, with qemu
as a backend, and seeing if I get any better results. Not sure exactly
when I may do that - I'm dealing with major stress from another source
right now, and would probably have difficulty handling it if the attempt
failed - but the idea is at least on my radar.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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