Am Donnerstag, 26. Oktober 2023, 19:03:15 CEST schrieb Michael Kjörling:
This is interesting information! Looks like KVM and Virt-Manager are better 
and faster than Virtualbox. 
Obviously it seems (regarding to other people), these solutions are more 
stable, too.

That looks great, as I am not so happy of beeing dependent on Oracle.

However, often I get some Images as OVA files, but I still could not get, how 
to import OVA files to Virt-Manager or KVM.

A graphical way is preferred, but if not possible, also the CLI way will be 

I installed aqemu (a GUI for qemu), virt-manger (a little bit complex GUI) and 
virtualbox (from Oracle, but without guest-additions annd ext-pack).

Virtualbox is easy to use, but I like AQEMU, too (it is using KVM).

Are the other solutions capable, to import and export OVA or VDI?



> On 26 Oct 2023 21:37 +0500, from (Alexander V. Makartsev):
> > I don't use virtualbox (KVM does everything and more for me) so I can't
> > vouch for the quality of packages from Oracle.
> I switched from VirtualBox to KVM at one point; as I recall a Debian
> kernel upgrade broke VirtualBox and still after two weeks or so Oracle
> hadn't updated their for-Debian repository with a version that
> incorporated a fix. (This was the respective "stable" versions at the
> time, and while I don't recall the details, the breakage made
> VirtualBox useless for my use case.) I had planned to do such a
> migration anyway; the breakage just somewhat forced the issue.
> KVM/QEMU/virt-manager and friends perhaps aren't as streamlined for
> the typical end user who just wants to quickly spin up a VM with
> minimal hassle, but they are also very much more powerful if you're
> willing to do a little reading. (For example, I had to do a fair bit
> of digging to figure out how to get guest networking to work reliably
> without turning off the host firewall.[1]) This is in line with their
> respective intended usage: VirtualBox is at best a power user tool,
> whereas KVM is intended for large server deployments but _can_ be used
> on workstation virtualization hosts as well.
> [1]
> ing/

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