Charles Kroeger <> wrote: > I just have a really large list of UTF-8 characters and if I need one > I copy it and zap it in. I suppose this is not cool but, chacun a son > gout. > > a fun site if you want to write someone in UTF-8 runes. > >
Gah! A mindworm. My browser shows boxes instead of characters for the runes, but that's not what's got me. The second column of the Thai poems is not aligned in my browser :( But it is in my terminal. But not in gedit or tea or LO. Even when I set LO to use Hack, which is the font my terminal says it is using. So now I'm deep in the rabbit holes. Why do fonts behave like that! !! > ⅩⅩⅥ - Ⅷ - ⅯⅯⅩⅩⅢ