On Sat, 19 Aug 2023 21:19:48 +0200,
Christoph K.<christ...@kobenetz.de> wrote:

>Hi all,
>I'm unsatisfied with the default sans font in debian for use in the
>graphical user interface (in my case XFCE).
>My main concern with the default sans font (I guess it's Bitsream Vera,
>but that doesn't really matter) is the the small 'L' and the capital 'i'
>look the same (mostly).
>Everyone who has tried to read unknown characters (e.g. a password
>generated automatically oder base64 encoded data) knows what pain it is to
>distinguish these characters.
>Could you please recommend a "suitable" sans-serif font that
>a) has "proper" 'l' and 'I' characters

I'm probably not the right person to answer, but doesn't the
_sans_-serif requirement pretty much make this impossible? It means
_without_ serifs, which are (according to wikipedia) "small line or
stroke regularly attached to the end of a larger stroke in a letter or
symbol within a particular font or family of fonts."

Which to me seems like pretty much only way to separate a small 'l'
from a big 'i',

To me, without the serifs, both those characters are simply a line from
top to bottom.

But I'll admit that I'm far from an expert on the subject.

-- Andreas Rönnquist

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