On 2023-08-12, Jeffrey Walton <noloa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In the US, the banks are laxed. Banks claim they don't want to lose
> customers with inconveniences. I understand things are different from
> Europe.

It's a two-edged sword, though: I had to purchase a new smart phone in
order to continue banking with one French bank, because I could no
longer update their app with my old one; the enforcement of the fairly
recent security regulations for online banking here involve methods that
generally, and conceivably invariably, require you to possess a fairly
recent device.

> In the US, risk is democratized and reward is privatized. Shareholders
> get the losses and executives get the bonuses. No skin off the
> executive's backs if the bank or the customer loses money due to
> fraud.
> Jeff


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