On Mon, May 15, 2023 at 08:15:42PM +0100, Joe wrote:
> On Mon, 15 May 2023 13:26:06 -0500
> Kent West <we...@acu.edu> wrote:
> > On 5/15/23 11:57, Joe wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > 
> > Then go from there.
> > 
> Not much to go on so far. Thanks for your suggestions. This looks like
> a bug in an upgrade, but I can't see evidence of anyone else seeing it.
> This is the real problem with running sid: not that things break, but
> that they only break for me.
If you run sid, you are absolutely expected to be able to resolve any
problems you encounter. If it breaks, you get to keep both pieces.
That's the contract with sid, more than with the other tranches of
Debian (which comes with no overall warranty).

If you want increased stability and less shiny new stuff, you run stable
or, if you feel able to help debug and develop it, testing.

Them's the breaks: and, as ever, DontBreakDebian by mixing different suites.

Andy Cater

> -- 
> Joe

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