On 23/3/23 07:33, Greg Wooledge wrote:
On Thu, Mar 23, 2023 at 07:06:55AM +0800, Jeremy Ardley wrote:
I am the guilty party who had docker. I have not raised any issue about it. The 
instance is not used any more and was an experiment in running nextcloud on an 
arm server
Then perhaps you can enlighten me: why does anyone (Docker user or
otherwise) need to write a shell script to list the IPv4 addresses
of the local system's network interfaces?

I can't think of any reasons other than "I want to update dynamic DNS"
(for which a dhclient hook is better suited, with the new IP address
being supplied in the environment), or "I need to use it to set up
firewall rules", a topic with which I'll admit I'm not very experienced,
but which doesn't seem particularly important on exposed servers.  I
would think you'd simply shut down all the services you don't want
running, rather than leaving them in place but trying to block them
with a firewall.

I am not the op. I mistakenly used an old server to illustrate how to extract ip addresses and it just happened it had been used once to run nextcloud in docker.

On your second topic I don't usually run firewalls on my cloud severs. In the AWS case they do it for you and in the linode case I just run the minimum services required.


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