On Thu, Mar 23, 2023 at 07:06:55AM +0800, Jeremy Ardley wrote:
> I am the guilty party who had docker. I have not raised any issue about it. 
> The instance is not used any more and was an experiment in running nextcloud 
> on an arm server

Then perhaps you can enlighten me: why does anyone (Docker user or
otherwise) need to write a shell script to list the IPv4 addresses
of the local system's network interfaces?

I can't think of any reasons other than "I want to update dynamic DNS"
(for which a dhclient hook is better suited, with the new IP address
being supplied in the environment), or "I need to use it to set up
firewall rules", a topic with which I'll admit I'm not very experienced,
but which doesn't seem particularly important on exposed servers.  I
would think you'd simply shut down all the services you don't want
running, rather than leaving them in place but trying to block them
with a firewall.

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