On Mon, Mar 20, 2023 at 09:33:26PM -0400, Stefan Monnier wrote:
>> Is there any good low-hassle freedom-respecting reasonable price
>> reasonable performance computer platform for running Debian these

> Define your notion of "reasonable" for price and for performance.

Performance-wise, for the laptop, I'd like aptitude not to compute
(search for a dependencies solution) for much more than a few seconds
each time I press the "+" key to upgrade a package, while having
stable, stable-security, testing and sid in my sources.list

My Core2 Duo clearly is far slower than that.

For the desktop, I want to compile LibreOffice, with maximum
debugging. Realistically, this is a big job, so won't take mere
minutes, but let's say be within the same order of magnitude than a
new amd64 machine?

Price-wise... I'm willing to invest, but not to come close to five
digits in EUR/USD/GBP.


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