gene heskett composed on 2023-02-14 08:21 (UTC-0500):

> Greg Wooledge wrote:

>> On Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 07:07:58 (UTC-0500), gene heskett wrote:

>>> Are you saying that this printer has been sitting on the Staples display for
>>> 5 years when I bought it new about when it first showed up there 2 years
>>> ago?

>> Had to dig through the archive to find the model number (HL-L2320D)
>> again, since it was snipped in this part of the thread.  Once I found
>> the model number, I did a Google search, and this was one of the results:

>> Brother HL-L2320D L2300D best budget laser printer review
>> › watch
>> 7:51
>> A quick demonstration and review of the Brother HL-L2320D laser printer.Buy 
>> it on Amazon here: buy the similar ...
>> YouTube · DarkStoneCastle · Dec 21, 2016

>> So... yeah, I guess we're saying that your printer was 5 years old at the
>> moment you bought it.  Or at least, that it was a 5-year-old *design*,
>> even if that particular printer had been assembled more recently.

>> Now, personally I don't consider a 7-year-old product to be an antique,
>> but maybe Brian does.  I certainly can't speak for him on this topic.

> Good grief, I had no clue the design is that old.

Did you ever open its manual? Brother ships a plastic bag with such things as
driver disc, manual, warranty registration card and such with its printers.
Generally these things have a copyright date on or in them somewhere. From the
paper manuals from my two most recent Brother acquisitions:

MFC-J480DW - © 2015
MFC-8910DW - © 2012

The one for my HL-5470DW is more effectively squirreled since I moved. Its pdf
manual has no date near its front or back that I could spot, but the timestamp 
it is 122 months ago, same as a freshly downloaded copy.
Evolution as taught in public schools is, like religion,
        based on faith, not based on science.

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata

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