On Tue 14 Feb 2023 at 13:32:37 (+0100), Nicolas George wrote:
> Brian (12023-02-14):
> > > FWIW, if you invoke lsusb with the -v option, you need
> > > some superpowers. So better "sudo lsusb -v".
> > I do not believe that to be the case.
> experiment > belief
> lsusb -v > /tmp/1
> sudo lsusb -v > /tmp/2
> diff -u /tmp/1 /tmp/2
> Regards,

Irrespective of the lines that interested Brian, how did your system
manage to produce no output, whereas Greg's and all of my systems
produce lots; in my case, 95, 141, 226, 278 and 303 lines.
(Greg used sudo, whereas I logged in as root.)

The extra sections that root reports appear to be variously:
  Hub Descriptor:
    Hub Port Status:
  Binary Object Store Descriptor:
  Device Qualifier (for other device speed):


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