> We also need to know what happened between the "I recently installed Debian" 
> statement and your "suddenly 2 days ago Ansible..." statement.

I’m not quite sure I follow.  I put that in my message to indicate that
it was running fine on sid.  It still is, in fact, on another machine.

Between installing Debian Bullseye and encountering said problems
ansible worked fine.  While debugging this (but before I posted to this
list) I realized that I had a pip installation in ~/.local/bin/.  I have
no idea where that came from.  Updating the pip installation eventually
fixed my issues, but removing it still causes the same problems.

> The python runtime messages probably indicate a missing variable. But have 
> you determined that is the actual error? And from where it is missing?

That python3-cryptography has the bug that this particular field is
missing is known.  I would have expected that to be in a version not in
Bullseye.  As I’ve mentioned in another answer I’ll take a look at the
exact versions installed when I get back to the machine in question next week.


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