> It doesn't look like this exact problem is known at 
> https://github.com/search?q=org%3Aansible+X509_V_FLAG_CB_ISSUER_CHECK+is%3Aissue&type=issues,
>  but there are a few suggestions among the matching bugs.

> One suggestion appears to be that your python module "cryptography" is too 
> new for Ansible. You don't state how you installed Ansible, but you might 
> find installing it into a virtualenv is more reliable.

I installed ansible from apt.  I therefore wonder how the debian package
for `python3-cryptography` can be too new for ansible, which is also
installed via apt, not pip.

I removed the pip installation from my user’s home directory and even
re-installed all already installed python packages on my system, but I
still have the same problem.  Is this actually broken on debian at the moment?

Kind regards,

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