Hi, Will Mengarini wrote: > I feel old. > http://www.catb.org/jargon/html/B/Big-Red-Switch.html
Me too. This button pressing for shutdown frightens me. Two years ago i had to craft a molly-guard for the on-off-button on top of this box: https://static3.caseking.de/media/image/thumbnail/geph-004_geph_004_05_800x800.jpg I cut a small piece from the transparent lid of a CD case and rasped it to have elegantly rounded corners. A stripe of transparent tape serves as hinge. It's not obscuring the blueish light ring around the button and the disk activity LED in the little hole but still highly safe against human error. Note that the manufacturer took care to armor the USB sockets and the Reset button by a sturdy hatch. Have a nice day :) Thomas