Hi, Gene Heskett wrote: > It does have efi, but its disabled in the bios.
The "BIOS" of ASUS PRIME Z370-A II is EFI. (Unfortunate naming, indeed, as we normally use "BIOS" for legacy PC-BIOS, the one which boots by executing the x86 code in the MBR.) If you switched to legacy CSM mode (*), then possibly the firmware still only looks at the drives which are listed in the firmware for booting. In old BIOS we had a priority list for hardware types like floppy, hard disk, or CD-ROM. In EFI it is normally a list of individual drives. The fact that re-plugging to another SATA socket made the drive bootable, could also indicate that the CSM mode is restricted to certain sockets. I personally would not deviate from defaults at installation time and thus not use the legacy CSM mode. But now that it works for you, there is no reason to change your firmware setting. ------------ (*) CSM in context of EFI is "Compatibility Support Module". ASUS tries hard to mess up nomenclature by using "CSM" as acronym for its "Corporate Stable Model" which promises to keep mainboard models available for at least three years. Have a nice day :) Thomas