
On Sat, Jun 11, 2022 at 11:47:46AM -0400, gene heskett wrote:
> On Saturday, 11 June 2022 09:01:48 EDT Andy Smith wrote:
> > Gene, come on. You know how to select and paste out of an xterm. It
> > does not matter what that xterm is doing, whether it is displaying a
> > file of locally stored bible notes, running the Debian installer or
> > running minicom into the serial port of a nuclear power station's
> > control panel. It displays text. You select the text with a mouse
> > and paste that into a another document.
> > 
> > Why is getting you to paste textual data from one terminal window
> > into another (or a text editor or email or whatever) so
> > monumentally difficult?
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Andy
> Very simple Andy, the vt1-2-3-4, what have you text login does NOT use 
> the mouse, so there is no way to highlight what you want to copy/paste. 
> Why is that so hard to understand as the reason I can't post what I see?

Because you have been REPEATEDLY and SPECIFICALLY told to do this
over SSH from an xterm. Your aversion to actually doing what you are
advised, instead reinstalling the operating system some different
way TWENTY EIGHT TIMES is beyond comprehension. Advised to do this
text mode over SSH for ease of copy and paste, you intentionally
choose to do it instead in a way where you know you can't easily do
that. It's perverse.

I'm starting to think we are stuck in some sort of social
experiment, honestly. For my own mental health I cannot continue,


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