On 6/7/22, Darac Marjal <mailingl...@darac.org.uk> wrote:
> On 07/06/2022 17:53, Greg Wooledge wrote:
>> To the best of my knowledge, there isn't any setting to *prevent* the
>> appending of search domains to a name, no matter how many dots you put
>> in the name.
> I've wondered about that in the past. Is this maybe a bug in the
> application, then (I admit that it'll be a widespread bug if so).

I'd go for a bug in the documentation.
Names ending with a dot don't get the search list appended to the name
on a lookup failure.

Think about it.. the trailing dot is the root of the DNS tree.  I
wouldn't make sense to add anything after that.

> To my
> knowledge, DNS domains support "relative" names (e.g. "www.example.com")
> as well as "absolute" names (e.g. "www.example.com." - with the trailing
> dot). Should applications be querying for hostnames with the trailing
> dot and, if so, would that prevent the resolver from trying to append
> the search domains?

You can always put the trailing dot in there yourself - eg
  ping foo.home.
if you don't want the search list appended on a lookup failure.


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