On Tue 07 Jun 2022 at 17:01:21 (+0200), Dieter Rohlfing wrote:
> When a client queries for a domain and the answer is NXDOMAIN, there is
> immediately a second query with the original domain name, but suffixed
> with the domain name of my home network.
> Example:
> 1. query: www.example.com (result NXDOMAIN)
> 2. query: www.example.com.home.lan (result NXDOMAIN)
> home.lan is the domain name of my home network, /etc/resolv.conf
> contains the following line:
> >search home.lan
> When I delete this line from /etc/resolv.conf, then the second query
> doesn't appear, but I loose the ability to use unqualified hostnames to
> refer to local clients. :-((

Try using just .home (or .corp or .mail) on its own, instead of .home.lan.



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