On 05/31/2022 08:13 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:
I'm using firmware-11.3.0-amd64-netinst.iso to install Debian onto a
Lenovo T510 [Thinkpad].
I know the netinstaller works on this laptop as I have done a successful
install when within range of of local library's wifi and the installer
is successfully detecting multiple local wifi sources.
I am doing a fresh install from home using an Alcatel Linkzone to
connect to my T-mobile account. I have had no problems doing this with
standard netinstallers.
After an install over library wifi the system had no problem connecting
to the internet via the Linkzone.
Help please.
This is just a status report.
The above referenced installer *WILL* work when the target machine is
connected to the internet via an Alcatel Linkzone.
The failed installs were evidently triggered by the immediately previous
Linkzone usage history. I should be able to write a test procedure to
prove/disprove my theory. The decades spent in hardware testing gave me
practice in procedure writing. [I just don't have much software
background.] I hope to have the procedure written and proven by early
next week.
I still owe David a response to his last post.