On 05/31/2022 02:00 PM, Richard Owlett wrote:


I am doing a fresh install from home using an Alcatel Linkzone to
connect to my T-mobile account. I have had no problems doing this with
standard netinstallers.

? That seems to be a new interpretation of the thread:

From reading https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2021/10/msg00603.html in that thread, I don't think so. That thread referred ti a standard [i.e. free] netinst iso. This case is using the non-free firmware. I will have to carefully read the entire thread to see if it has point(s) in common.

I've a dozen more posts to (re)read in the thread.
I'm beginning to suspect appreciation of comments about "CDC Ethernet" will be key. [Especially posts by Tixy]
I've at least a dozen web references marked for "CDC Ethernet".
I have information overload. Suspect meaningful comprehension will take a couple of days ;/
More later.

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