On Wed, Jun 01, 2022 at 04:14:49PM +0300, Lidiya Pecherskaya wrote:
> Is it possible to get information on the type of license under which the
> Debian software is available?

Each package has one or more licenses, under which it's distributed.
The license(s) for a given package are contained in the "copyright"
file, in the package's /usr/share/doc/PKGNAME/ directory.

If you want to see the license(s) for a package that isn't installed
locally, you can check <http://packages.debian.org/PKGNAME>.  Go to
the desired version, then click the link that says "Copyright File"
on the right hand side.

For example, the Copyright File for the bullseye version of bash is at
This is linked from <https://packages.debian.org/bullseye/bash>.

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