On 2/02/22 00:26, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
On 2022-01-31 01:36:06 +1300, Richard Hector wrote:
On 29/01/22 04:17, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> Servers shouldn't have pkexec installed in the first place, anyway.

libvirt-daemon-system depends on policykit-1.

Should that not be on my (kvm) server either?

I don't need libvirt-daemon-system on my server. And I don't see
why it would be needed in general. If I understand correctly,
libvirt is used to manage VMs, but what is mostly exposed on the
Internet (e.g. as a web server) is the VM itself, which doesn't
need libvirt.

I guess it depends how you define a 'server'. I include the machine that hosts my VMs. And I certainly don't restrict it to what's exposed on the Internet.

I admit I haven't explored in depth exactly which bits of libvirt are required on the VM host; I rely to some extent on the recommendations in the packages.


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