On Du, 30 ian 22, 15:54:17, Reco wrote:
>       Hi.
> On Mon, Jan 31, 2022 at 01:36:06AM +1300, Richard Hector wrote:
> > On 29/01/22 04:17, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> > 
> > > Servers shouldn't have pkexec installed in the first place, anyway.
> > > 
> > 
> > libvirt-daemon-system depends on policykit-1.
> > 
> > Should that not be on my (kvm) server either?
> Many years ago exactly this was disputed in #768376.
> Long story short - the only reason libvirt-daemon-system depends on
> policykit-1 is because GNOME users could be confused if it does not.

As far as I can tell the Maintainer's stance (in 2014) was:

    Having polkit installed and doing nothing (for people switching to
    socke based permission checks) is IMHO a better service to our users
    than having all the bugs for people installing without recommends (and
    there are many of those)

How does "people installing without recommends" translate to "GNOME 
users" is beyond me, considering that GNOME users would have policykit-1 
installed anyway (as a dependency of GNOME) and they are much less 
likely to disable installation of Recommends in the first place.

As written in message #80 circumstances have changed, maybe the 
Maintainer will reconsider.

Kind regards,

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