On Mon, Jan 03, 2022 at 11:01:34PM +0100, local10 wrote:
> Hi,
> Am I the only one who's getting this error? When I go to the USPS.com[1] to 
> track a package I get this "Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead" error ( 
> Error code: SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN ). It's been like this for a couple of 
> weeks for me so it looks really strange that the USPS has fixed it after all 
> this time.
> I tried the same URL[1] in Konqueror and it also complains about the bad 
> certificate.
> Any ideas? Thanks
> 1 .https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction_input?origTrackNum=1234567890

Seems to work for me (currently). Are you still getting the error?

The error means that the site was offering a cert for the wrong domain.
This could happen for a whole bunch of reasons, someone fat-fingering
something at the server end, someone forgetting to hand out the cert to
the CDN, whatever.

If the error persists on your side, you can try to dig into it by
clicking [1] on the security thingie to the left of the URL bar, then
your browser offers more info about the server cert.


[1] Don't you hate GUIs? Describing how to do a simple thing ends up in
   reams of difficult-to-understand text.


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