On Sun, Dec 28, 2003 at 12:32:01PM -0500, Carl Fink wrote:
> What happened was, the default appearance of the program changed at
> some point:  if I open it (with either soffice or openoffice) with no
> document loaded, I get a blank document and no toolbars.  However,
> once it's open, if I load any document, the toolbars appear. 
> Furthermore, if I then do File, New, the new document does have the
> toolbars.

Works that way here too.

> What seems to happen is that if I open the program without arguments,
> it doesn't fully create a blank document, but does give the
> *appearance* of one.

Actually, this makes sense.  What would you expect it to create, if all you
ran was the container application?  A text document?  A spreadsheet?

After you use File >> New, *then* you have a document.  Or you can run the
applications directly... oowrite, oocalc, etc.

 Marc Wilson |     If you want divine justice, die.  -- Nick Seldon

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