On Sun, Dec 12, 2021 at 02:56:12AM +0000, Andy Smith wrote:
> Is that the list that you are talking about?

For those playing along at home, Gene directly sent me a rambling
HTML reply which did confirm that c...@cups.org is the list he is
talking about, but only went on to say that he has attempted to
subscribe to it again and has not yet received an error.

So it seems most likely that this is user error as opposed to the
evil machinations of Apple corp, but we will probably never know
because as usual Gene does not provide any details as to what errors
he has seen up until now.

> I think you will do better if you did the usual thing of
> explaining:
> - exactly what you did
> - what exactly happened including exact output of any error message
>   given (not your recollection of what may have happened)
> - what exactly you expected to happen instead

Gene's idea of progressing this was as follows:

    I expected the smtp agent to be able to query imap.shentel.net
    for port and protocol supported auto fill. but it apparently
    can't do that yet.

…which is basically just a restatement of "thing does not work"
without providing any useful information. Though did provide several
paragraphs of irrelevant personal rambling and insults aimed at
various software projects.

Maybe someone else can have a go and have more luck, but trying to
extract any usable information out of Gene seems like it will be, as
usual, an exhausting and unrewarding process.


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