El jue, 14 oct 2021 a las 13:35, Andrew M.A. Cater
(<amaca...@einval.com>) escribió:
> It might be worth checking what packages you have installed. If you
> can manage to, uninstall them (or use dpkg --purge to purge texlive-base
> then retry.

Thanks for the idea. It didn't work. texlive-base is not installed, so
purge di nothing. I rechecked the packages installed. Some tex-related
packages still had configuration files, so i purged them all. Then I
started again, installing tex-common, texlive-binaries, and then
texlive-base. And here it fails again as above.

> Also, as ever, my advice would be to use stable unless there is a
> really compelling reason: unstable can change radically and
> breakages happen.

Yes, I tend to be careful before upgrades and have managed to have no
major issues for years. This is my home PC anyway, so I have more
freedom for failure.
But, well, latex is fairly critical for me :-)


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