On Sun 10 Oct 2021 at 22:07:28 -0300, Eduardo M KALINOWSKI wrote:

> On 10/10/2021 17:18, Thomas Schmitt wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > although i seem not to be worth to be targeted by our bounce assassin,
> > my mail provider and bendel.debian.org are at odds enough to produce
> > a real bounce message, which then causes a warning mail from
> > listmas...@lists.debian.org .
> > 
> > I am trying to make sense out of the given bounce report
> > 
> >    https://lists.debian.org/bounces/79gUBBa56gHKY3wtHzNKdg
> > 
> > It is hard to distinguish the hearsay by bendel.debian.org from the
> > message parts which come from my provider's server mx00.emig.gmx.net.
> > Especially i wonder from where bendel takes the association to my
> > mail address (and which mentionings show its conclusions about my
> > address).
> > 
> > Whatever, the reason for the bounce is that GMX accuses debian-user
> > of not meeting its requirements
> >    https://www.gmx.net/mail/senderguidelines
> > All points there look like they are not volatile problems but rather
> > persistent ones. But listmas...@lists.debian.org wrote i had
> > >   1 bounce out of 68 mails in one day (1%, kick-score is 80%)
> > So why did the other 67 succeed ?
> That seems unrelated to the OVH bounces.

> My mailserver bounced the same email (and I got a warning like that). Since
> I run my own mailserver, and can look at the logs and see exactly why it has
> been rejected, and here's what I got:
> 2021-10-10 16:07:37 1mZeAb-0005Mc-Hn H=bendel.debian.org
> [2001:41b8:202:deb:216:36ff:fe40:4002]
> X=TLS1.3:ECDHE_SECP256R1__RSA_PSS_RSAE_SHA256__AES_256_GCM:256 CV=no
> F=<bounce-debian-user=eduardo=kalinowski.com...@lists.debian.org> rejected
> after DATA: header syntax (malformed address: >\n may not follow
> Pierre-Elliott =?utf-8?Q?B=C3=A9cue?= <p...@debian.org>: failing address in
> "From:" header is: Pierre-Elliott =?utf-8?Q?B=C3=A9cue?= <p...@debian.org>>):
> malformed address: >\n may not follow Pierre-Elliott =?utf-8?Q?B=C3=A9cue?=
> <p...@debian.org>: failing address in "From:" header is: Pierre-Elliott
> =?utf-8?Q?B=C3=A9cue?= <p...@debian.org>>

> And this is From header:
> From: Pierre-Elliott =?utf-8?Q?B=C3=A9cue?= <p...@debian.org>>
> (There does seem to be an extra > in there.)

It is real enough and can be seen in the list archives at


The extra > is not evident at


It looks like Pierre-Elliott Bécue has some fixing to do. In case he has
ceased to follow this thread, there is a Cc to him.
> In this case, my server bounced a mail, and so the listserver is correct in
> sending me that notification. And since it was just one email, I did not get
> unsubscribed.
> However, perhaps the listserver should have not accepted that email with the
> (possibly) invalid From header in the first place.

Postfix is used by bendel. I trust the RFC compliancy of Exim.


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