On Du, 10 oct 21, 22:33:15, piorunz wrote:
> On 10/10/2021 22:27, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> > Years back there was an emailed newsletter titled Debian Weekly News.
> > At some point the author lost motivation as I recall and the newsletter
> > effectively ceased.
> Oh that's sad
> > Keep in mind that Debian is an organization that
> > depends on volunteer effort to accomplish its goals.  I think you have
> > identified an area where you can help, i.e. the timely dissemination of
> > project news.
> Yes I am aware of that, but I am curious why isn't any money spent on
> that. To hire someone to spend two hours per week summarising news on
> the list and post them?

Because there is a risk it will kill the motivation of volunteers.

> My English grammar is not that perfect to the
> point where I can write to international audience, I a not a developer
> either, so I wouldn't even understand everything what is going on.

Proof-reading should be done anyway, regardless of the writer, and 
having one's submissions taken apart and rewritten can be a good way to 
improve one's language and writing skills.

Kind regards,

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