On 10/10/2021 19:14, Brian wrote:
On Sun 10 Oct 2021 at 18:45:12 +0100, piorunz wrote:


I just wish Debian maintains online forums so people have a choice?
AFAIK https://forums.debian.net/ is not official, not long time ago they
didn't even had https. Now they do, but their main page debian.net still
incorrectly redirects to debian.org via http, not https. IDK who is the
operator but doesn't sound professional.

Users may be interested in


There are at least three people there to express concerns to.

Lol.... So Debian has "official" forum after all! As they say "The
server instance is now running directly within Debian's infrastructure."

So this posting from August has been announced NOWHERE on Debian, from
my perspective. I am subscribed to ALL relevant Debian e-mail lists:
debian-announce, debian-news, debian-release, debian-security,
debian-security announce, debian-stable announce, debian-user. And
NOTHING. Fact of forum re-launch under Debian umbrella and Debian
project care, is not worthy debian-announce or debian-news. What is
going on?

And it's not first time.. This is laughable to the point, where
debian-news has announced CLOSING of DebConf21 recently, but didn't
announced it's schedule and opening!!! So hundreds of users, including
me, has missed it, despite being subscribed to everything what I think
to be relevant to Debian, I still don't get full picture.
Debian really has a problem with marketing and coherence.

With kindest regards, Piotr.

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