On Saturday 02 October 2021 16:02:52 Brian wrote: > On Sat 02 Oct 2021 at 15:43:33 -0400, Gene Heskett wrote: > > On Saturday 02 October 2021 11:13:09 Brian wrote: > > > On Fri 01 Oct 2021 at 17:32:37 -0400, Gene Heskett wrote: > > > > On Friday 01 October 2021 17:17:53 Greg Wooledge wrote: > > > > > > [...] > > > > > > > > We still don't know why you want this. I guess we'll never > > > > > know. > > > > > > > > We apparently don't speak the same dialect of english Greg. I > > > > wanted a dead tree (aka paper) copy of a manpage, with ALL the > > > > markup totally stripped. As for Lee's suggestion, I didn't try > > > > it since Cindy's example worked perfectly and by the time I read > > > > Lee's msg, I had what I needed on the output tray of my huge > > > > printer. No reflection on Lee was intended. Still isn't. > > > > > > Nitpicking time :). > > > > True. TBT, the use of bold was not something these old eyes > > considered. > > > > > You specified "...so what we save is exactly what > > > we see." Neither Cindy Sue Cause's mor Lee's give *exactly* what > > > is seen onscreen. If bolded headings are unwanted, either method > > > gives a nice text file to print. > > > > Yes, I should have more precisely stated "text". :( > > A very reasonable respose. Your eyes may be deteriorating but there is > nothing amaiss with your intellect.
Thats holding up fairly well, tested at 147 in the 7nth grade, made my living in electroncs since I quit school in the 9th grade and went to work fixing what was then a new toy called a tv, and finished off my working years as the chief engineer and the often only tech at a local tv station for 18+ years. Been retired for 19 years with enough to support my hobbies. That pulmonary embolism did cost me a few points though. That eyesight loss unfortunately is slowly happening despite the daily intake of a 40 milligram dose of lutien daily for the last 35 or so years, trying to stave off going blind because I was declared diabetic type 2 about that many years ago. Macular degeneration, where I have dark spots dead center in the dark of the moon are beginning to be noticeable. OTOH, I'll be 87 Monday, so I don't imagine it would be good to complain too loudly. I guess I'm a survivor, or he isn't ready for me yet, I have surived a pulmonary embolism that kills >98% 8 years ago, my heart has had a couple attacks, a replacement valve, some stents and a pacemaker that keeps it running at about 30% effficiency, so I tire more easily than 40 years ago. But other than the aches & pains that seem to go with the years, I actually feel pretty good yet. Currently digging out a bush that found some growth hormones in the back yard, it was 20 feet across and nearly 20 feet high when I first decided it had to go as it was damaging the house, but I'll have to get a backhoe in to finish that, and replacing about 170 feet of split rail fencing around the lower third of my place with vinyl cuz I'm tired of replaceing the split rail every 10 years and its due again. Posts rotting off at ground level. Rails breaking of their own weight etc. The vinyl should outlast me. Got around 50 feet to go. Anybody wanna help? I pay well, in cash. Take care now Brian, and the rest of you who helped. Cheers, Gene Heskett. -- "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order." -Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940) If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable. - Louis D. Brandeis Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>