man pages are written in troff/nroff (which can be compiled using groff) using the man style. You can do the following, for instance:
gunzip -c /usr/share/man/man1/chmod.1.gz | groff -man | lp (or replace "lp" with "gv -" to see on screen). Replace chmod with specific command and note that there is a different folder for each section of the Unix manual, man1 being for commands, man2 for system libraries, ... troff is how us old-timers used to write before LaTeX took over. I did my PhD in troff many moon ago on BSD Unix and then SunOS. Testament to the quality of the software: I can still generate a PDF of my thesis now after more than 30 years since I wrote it. Try that in Word... ;-) -- Eric S Fraga via Emacs 28.0.50 & org 9.5 on Debian 11.0