On Fri, Jul 23, 2021, 2:52 PM Thomas Amm <deb...@open-email.net> wrote:

> On Fri, 2021-07-23 at 08:11 -0500, Nicholas Geovanis wrote:
> > >
> > > Thomas which USB chipsets do you prefer for audio?
> > > And are you doing MIDI over USB to the synth?
> > >
> > > Viel Glueck .....Nick Geovanis
> > >
> Mostly Realtek for now. I rember a faulty chipset in the early days of
> USB3 causing lots of headaches but wasn't personally affected. No
> actual USB-3 chipset has let me down so far, however.
> I am actually doing MIDI over USB with all my synths but one, a 1989
> KORG Polysix with MIDI retrofit via DIN. This means I've got four
> synths and three controllers communicating duplex over the same active
> USB-3 hub without problems even when sequencing three of them and
> recording + monitoring the master keyboard simultaneously. No miracle
> comparing MIDI's very small bandwith and timing requirements with USB-3
> specs.

Thanks so much Thomas, that was a big question for me. Not so much USB-3
bandwidth but latency and timing.

I have a Casio DMW, CSound under wintel (embarrassed silence ;-) and
working on an Arduino-based sequencer. Arduino's have a base MIDI library
and speak it directly.

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