On Thu, 2021-07-22 at 16:25 +0100, Tom Yates wrote:

> i note in passing this is another great use for USB hubs.  recently
> when i 
> started having serious video camera problems, and having diagnosed a
> USB 
> socket on its way out, i ended up replacing a £20 hub with another
> £20 
> hub, instead of having to try, as you say, to repair a multi-hundred-
> euro 
> motherboard.
> use a cheap hub for all your day-to-day connection and disconnection 
> needs, and save wear and tear on your fragile motherboard connectors.

...and before the hub use a short USB-3 extension to keep your laptop
from being torn apart whenever you trip over the USB cable. But use a
hub - no matter what the vendor of your audio hardware say. They all
want their precious device to be directly connected - to avoid support
tickets by people using shitty hubs. So I can't agree to your "cheap"
argument. Not that I recommend expensive hubs in particular but they
should at least be based on a reliable chipset, bring a solid PSU and
no tacky connectors. 

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