By default, Debian doesn't do a good job of auto-detection. There are
two tools you should install:

apt-get install discover
apt-get install etherconf

After you've done that, run "dpkg-reconfigure etherconf" and it should
find your ethernet card and prompt you for the proper configuration


> Hi,
> I don't believe it:
> my Dell onboard ethernet controller can't be configured in Debian
> Sarge but runs smoothly in Suse, Fedora an Gentoo-Live and Knoppix...
> and I cannot find or get help in Usenet and via google ??
> Come on, debian community: take that chalenge !
> installed , for my first Debian try, Debian Sarge from the "LinuxUser"
> magazine's DVD. After some hurldles it worked but:
> did'nt configure any network card, (and following eth0 etc.)
> When I try to configure with modconf from the debian sarge set, I
> don't know which driver to choose, and try-and-error with this long
> list of drivers didn't help and doesn't make sense...
> I have a Dell Dimension 8300 with a ethernet controller onboard, and
> the system info tool in kde detects:
> "Ethernet controller : Intel Corp.: Unknown device 1050 (rev02)
>  Subsystem : Dell Computer Corp. Unknown device 0157"
> "lspci -v" shows the controller the same way as in Suse and the
> others...
> ?
> Can anyone help ?
> Axel

> Meanwhile I got hint in a German newsgroup, to use "e100" driver, and
> with that one (after some hurles with DHCP) I managed to get network
> set up and internet connectio via router running !! Happy now ...

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