Leandro GuimarÃes Faria Corcete Dutra wrote:

Em Seg, 2003-12-22 Ãs 12:28, Axel Burwitz escreveu:

installed , for my first Debian try, Debian Sarge from the "LinuxUser"
magazine's DVD. After some hurldles it worked but:
did'nt configure any network card, (and following eth0 etc.)

Which kernel does it have?

Good question. As I mentioned in an earlier reply to an earlier post concerning this, it sounds like Axel is running a 2.2 kernel and needs to upgrade to 2.4.

So, Axel, which kernel does your Sarge have? The command "uname -a" will tell you. And if you do have a 2.2 kernel, you can upgrade with a command like "apt-get install kernel-image-2.4.18-1-686". You can see the available different flavors of kernels with a command like "apt-cache search kernel-image".

I have a Dell Dimension 8300 with a ethernet controller onboard, and the
system info tool in kde detects:
"Ethernet controller : Intel Corp.: Unknown device 1050 (rev02)
Subsystem : Dell Computer Corp. Unknown device 0157"

"lspci -v" shows the controller the same way as in Suse and the others...

What does lspci or cat /proc/pci says about Ethernet controllers?

Perhaps I'm missing something, but the Axel already answered the first part of your question, in the previous paragraph.

-- Kent

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