On 5/6/2021 5:35 PM, Dan Ritter wrote:
john doe wrote:
I'm required to use 'expo' as a server and to use the 'expo go' app on a
android device to create apps

On Bullseye, I have installed 'nodejs' and 'npm' 'expo-cli' using 'npm'.

I have created an new app with 'expo init myapp' then I do:
$ cd myapp
$ expo start
This starts the "server" and I can access it at the specified URI
(http:://xxx.xxx.1.5:19000) from a web browser.
Strangely, I see the content of the file app.json but not the app it self.

I have a fiew questions:
- Why am I seeing the content of the *.json file and not the app (I
would like to see the app on android an at the same time in the browser)?

I don't know anything about this system, but I do know this:
when a web-like server is showing you the contents of something
rather than executing it, the web-like server is misconfigured
in some way. Start looking in logs.

Looks like you can not have both (web, android) at the same time.
Thanks for the hints DSR.

John Doe

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