Debians, I'm required to use 'expo' as a server and to use the 'expo go' app on a android device to create apps
On Bullseye, I have installed 'nodejs' and 'npm' 'expo-cli' using 'npm'. I have created an new app with 'expo init myapp' then I do: $ cd myapp $ expo start This starts the "server" and I can access it at the specified URI (http::// from a web browser. Strangely, I see the content of the file app.json but not the app it self. I have a fiew questions: - Why am I seeing the content of the *.json file and not the app (I would like to see the app on android an at the same time in the browser)? - Do I need to open other ports than the one shown when starting the server (per default 19000)? - The android device can't access the server at 'exp://'? Any feedback is appriciated. -- John Doe