Rob van den Berg wrote:

My mouse is not working in KDE
It's a PS/2 trackball from Primax.
In KDE the pointer (Arrow) goes to the right top corner.
When I'm lucky I can drag it to the "K" in the left down corner.

I had the advise to stop /etc/init.d/gpm , but then nothing worked anymore.

With gpm running, switch to console (Ctrl-Alt-F2 should do it) and move your mouse. Does the white block mouse pointer track your mouse movements properly?

If yes, then gpm is configured properly to read your mouse. If no, run "gpmconfig" and fix whatever's wrong.

Also, make sure gpm is configured to use a repeat type of "raw" (either run "gpmconfig", or look at/edit "/etc/gpm.conf").

Once gpm is properly configured to read your mouse _and_ to repeat the data as raw data, configure X to use the same protocol and to use as its location "/dev/gpmdata". You can reconfigure X with "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree", or edit the appropriate "Input Device" section of "/etc/X11/XF86Config-4".

You have to get _both_ of these things right; both gpm and X.


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