on Sun, Dec 21, 2003 at 10:20:35AM +0100, Rob van den Berg ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> My mouse is not working in KDE
> It's a PS/2 trackball from Primax.
> In KDE the pointer (Arrow) goes to the right top corner.
> When I'm lucky I can drag it to the "K" in the left down corner.

This generally indicates a bad driver.

You almost certainly want to specify PS2 or ImPS/2.

> I had the advise to stop /etc/init.d/gpm , but then nothing worked
> anymore.

If you disable gpm, you'll want to switch from gpmdata to /dev/psaux for
your XF86Config-4 (or XF86Config) config file.

> Starting that PC with "Knoppix-CD"  everything works perfect.

Check its configs.

> I'm trying to get Linux3.0"Woody" rev.1 running.


Karsten M. Self <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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